Monday, March 12, 2012

I hate you, damn three kilos

About two years ago I lost 21 kilos. Actually 'lost' implies something that has gone and you might be yearning for and for which you might still be looking. Not so. Not even close. I recently purged the 4 boxes of clothes I no longer fitted into and almost two of me could have squeezed into one of my skirts.

Before anyone gets excited and congratulatory, to be fair I had put ON 12 kilos over the previous three years so in net terms I really only dropped nine extra kilos. I am one of those sad pathetic people who now weigh themselves every day. Naked. In the morning. After a visit to the toilet.

At my best, about 18 months ago I bought this Alex Perry dress:

Since then I have gained three kilos. Enough for Alex to be just a little tight on me and make me self conscious about my thighs and arse in it. And fearful that if I move too quickly I will split it. Quel horreur.

So I go to the gym, I limit my intake of food and wine (wine not as limited as it should be of course) and get on the scales every day AND NEVER HAVE I LOST THAT DAMN THREE KILOS. In fact every weekend I seem to put on 1 kilo then spend the rest of the week losing that sole kilo and start the cycle again.

Should I go on the biggest loser? Should I worry about something more important? Should I give Alex away?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Bugger. Very frustrating, but maybe, maybe those 3 kilos are there to stay...? If you are roughly staying at that weight each week and doing everything right. I had that myself in the (distant) past when trying to maintain a skinny weight my body couldn't accept - just kept losing and putting on 4 kilos and living on lettuce until I had to admit I was just not a 60-kilo girl.

    However as someone who needs to lose more than 21 kilos NOW, I am actually unqualified to comment :-)

    1. I think you may be right and this is my correct weight. Never mind. That Alex perry dress had some good times
